Tintype Photography

March 2024

By Jim Fealy

Along with his original tintypes, Jim Fealy will also be showing tintypes from his personal collection. First introduced in Paris in 1852 by Adolphe Alexander Martin, a tintype is a photograph made by creating a direct positive on a thin sheet of metal, coated with dark lacquer, then used as a support for the photographic emulsion. Jim Fealy has taken what was once considered an antiquated hands on process and brought it into the light of the 21st Century. In this day of digital media and cell phone selfies, Jim Fealy's work asks the viewer to slow down and quietly contemplate the nuances discovered within this delicate medium. Jim Fealy's work reveals an intimacy often lost in our world of social media; his work is a quiet meditation on an object through long exposure, the discovery of light emerging from shadow, exploring a deeper connection between the artist and his subjects which can often be passed over day to day. 


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