By Any Medium Necessary

November 2024

by Jon McKenzie

Media and mediums guide our passage through time and space, shaping our encounters with one another and the world. I am interested in the ways images, sounds, and algorithms spirit away and return different senses of self, society and world, opening new modes of interaction and experimentation in art, life, and beyond. Inspired by experimental film and video of the 1970s and ’80s and MTV and activist tactical media of the ’90s and ’00s, these experimental music videos remix ethos, pathos, and logos. Recent scenographic work draws on modes of AI and machinic thought embedded in different mediums — gestural, oral,  literate, numerate, digital — in order to mix past, present, and future at different scales and tempos and thus expose different geologies of morals.

Videos and installation produced, compiled, and edited by Jon McKenzie, with music, text, film, and other contributions by Ed Balko†, Chrys Bocast†, John Eder, Rick Ellis†, Jim Fealy, Jon Kane†, Ralo Mayer, Richard Panciera (aka lloop), Bryan Reynolds, Leeny Sack, Walter Salas-Humara, Emilia Simeonov, Saviana Stănescu, Aneta Stojnić, Amon Tobin, and others.


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